In Compressors
Can be used very effectively in compressors of all types. Please contact ACTIV8 Customer Care.
On Chains, Slides & Linkages
Can be used either in liquid form or grease. Reduces wear, heat, noise and vibration. To apply as a liquid, in situations that might throw off the liquid lubrication, it may be advisable to pre-heat components to above 50 degrees centigrade prior to the application of ACTIV8.
On Cutting Tools
Give added life to your high-speed steel cutting tools and hand tools: such as drills, taps and dies. ACTIV8 dissipates the heat from the cutting edge and reduces overheating and metal pickup on the tool. This gives a better finish to the job and prolongs tool life. Application is by way of direct drip, swab, brush or spray to the tool or the job.